Search Results: "sysv"

22 November 2014

Petter Reinholdtsen: How to stay with sysvinit in Debian Jessie

By now, it is well known that Debian Jessie will not be using sysvinit as its boot system by default. But how can one keep using sysvinit in Jessie? It is fairly easy, and here are a few recipes, courtesy of Erich Schubert and Simon McVittie. If you already are using Wheezy and want to upgrade to Jessie and keep sysvinit as your boot system, create a file /etc/apt/preferences.d/use-sysvinit with this content before you upgrade:
Package: systemd-sysv
Pin: release o=Debian
Pin-Priority: -1
This file content will tell apt and aptitude to not consider installing systemd-sysv as part of any installation and upgrade solution when resolving dependencies, and thus tell it to avoid systemd as a default boot system. The end result should be that the upgraded system keep using sysvinit. If you are installing Jessie for the first time, there is no way to get sysvinit installed by default (debootstrap used by debian-installer have no option for this), but one can tell the installer to switch to sysvinit before the first boot. Either by using a kernel argument to the installer, or by adding a line to the preseed file used. First, the kernel command line argument:
preseed/late_command="in-target apt-get install --purge -y sysvinit-core"
Next, the line to use in a preseed file:
d-i preseed/late_command string in-target apt-get install -y sysvinit-core
One can of course also do this after the first boot by installing the sysvinit-core package. I recommend only using sysvinit if you really need it, as the sysvinit boot sequence in Debian have several hardware specific bugs on Linux caused by the fact that it is unpredictable when hardware devices show up during boot. But on the other hand, the new default boot system still have a few rough edges I hope will be fixed before Jessie is released. Update 2014-11-26: Inspired by a blog post by Torsten Glaser, added --purge to the preseed line.

21 November 2014

Julien Danjou: Distributed group management and locking in Python with tooz

With OpenStack embracing the Tooz library more and more over the past year, I think it's a good start to write a bit about it. A bit of history A little more than year ago, with my colleague Yassine Lamgarchal and others at eNovance, we investigated on how to solve a problem often encountered inside OpenStack: synchronization of multiple distributed workers. And while many people in our ecosystem continue to drive development by adding new bells and whistles, we made a point of solving new problems with a generic solution able to address the technical debt at the same time. Yassine wrote the first ideas of what should be the group membership service that was needed for OpenStack, identifying several projects that could make use of this. I've presented this concept during the OpenStack Summit in Hong-Kong during an Oslo session. It turned out that the idea was well-received, and the week following the summit we started the tooz project on StackForge. Goals Tooz is a Python library that provides a coordination API. Its primary goal is to handle groups and membership of these groups in distributed systems. Tooz also provides another useful feature which is distributed locking. This allows distributed nodes to acquire and release locks in order to synchronize themselves (for example to access a shared resource). The architecture If you are familiar with distributed systems, you might be thinking that there are a lot of solutions already available to solve these issues: ZooKeeper, the Raft consensus algorithm or even Redis for example. You'll be thrilled to learn that Tooz is not the result of the NIH syndrome, but is an abstraction layer on top of all these solutions. It uses drivers to provide the real functionalities behind, and does not try to do anything fancy. All the drivers do not have the same amount of functionality of robustness, but depending on your environment, any available driver might be suffice. Like most of OpenStack, we let the deployers/operators/developers chose whichever backend they want to use, informing them of the potential trade-offs they will make. So far, Tooz provides drivers based on: All drivers are distributed across processes. Some can be distributed across the network (ZooKeeper, memcached, redis ) and some are only available on the same host (IPC). Also note that the Tooz API is completely asynchronous, allowing it to be more efficient, and potentially included in an event loop. Features Group membership Tooz provides an API to manage group membership. The basic operations provided are: the creation of a group, the ability to join it, leave it and list its members. It's also possible to be notified as soon as a member joins or leaves a group. Leader election Each group can have a leader elected. Each member can decide if it wants to run for the election. If the leader disappears, another one is elected from the list of current candidates. It's possible to be notified of the election result and to retrieve the leader of a group at any moment. Distributed locking When trying to synchronize several workers in a distributed environment, you may need a way to lock access to some resources. That's what a distributed lock can help you with. Adoption in OpenStack Ceilometer is the first project in OpenStack to use Tooz. It has replaced part of the old alarm distribution system, where RPC was used to detect active alarm evaluator workers. The group membership feature of Tooz was leveraged by Ceilometer to coordinate between alarm evaluator workers. Another new feature part of the Juno release of Ceilometer is the distribution of polling tasks of the central agent among multiple workers. There's again a group membership issue to know which nodes are online and available to receive polling tasks, so Tooz is also being used here. The Oslo team has accepted the adoption of Tooz during this release cycle. That means that it will be maintained by more developers, and will be part of the OpenStack release process. This opens the door to push Tooz further in OpenStack. Our next candidate would be write a service group driver for Nova. The complete documentation for Tooz is available online and has examples for the various features described here, go read it if you're curious and adventurous!

19 November 2014

Erich Schubert: What the GR outcome means for the users

The GR outcome is: no GR necessary
This is good news.
Because it says: Debian will remain Debian, as it was the last 20 years.
For 20 years, we have tried hard to build the "universal operating system", and give users a choice. We've often had alternative software in the archive. Debian has come up with various tool to manage alternatives over time, and for example allows you to switch the system-wide Java.
You can still run Debian with sysvinit. There are plenty of Debian Developers which will fight for this to be possible in the future.
The outcome of this resolution says:
  • Using a GR to force others is the wrong approach of getting compatibility.
  • We've offered choice before, and we trust our fellow developers to continue to work towards choice.
  • Write patches, not useless GRs. We're coders, not bureocrats.
  • We believe we can do this, without making it a formal MUST requirement. Or even a SHOULD requirement. Just do it.
The sysvinit proponents may perceive this decision as having "lost". But they just don't realize they won, too. Because the GR may easily have backfired on them. The GR was not "every package must support sysvinit". It was also "every sysvinit package must support systemd". Here is an example: eudev, a non-systemd fork of udev. It is not yet in Debian, but I'm fairly confident that someone will make a package of it after the release, for the next Debian. Given the text of the GR, this package might have been inappropriate for Debian, unless it also supports systemd. But systemd has it's own udev - there is no reason to force eudev to work with systemd, is there?
Debian is about choice. This includes the choice to support different init systems as appropriate. Not accepting a proper patch that adds support for a different init would be perceived as a major bug, I'm assured.
A GR doesn't ensure choice. It only is a hammer to annoy others. But it doesn't write the necessary code to actually ensure compatibility.
If GNOME at some point decides that systemd as pid 1 is a must, the GR only would have left us three options: A) fork the previous version, B) remove GNOME altogether, C) remove all other init systems (so that GNOME is compliant). Does this add choice? No.
Now, we can preserve choice: if GNOME decides to go systemd-pid1-only, we can both include a forked GNOME, and the new GNOME (depending on systemd, which is allowed without the GR). Or any other solution that someone codes and packages...
Don't fear that systemd will magically become a must. Trust that the Debian Developers will continue what they have been doing the last 20 years. Trust that there are enough Debian Developers that don't run systemd. Because they do exist, and they'll file bugs where appropriate. Bugs and patches, that are the appropriate tools, not GRs (or trolling).

Thorsten Glaser: Debian init system freedom of choice GR worst possible outcome

Apparently (the actual results have not yet been published by the Secretary), the GR is over, and the worst possible option has won. This is an absolutely ambiguous result, while at the same time sending a clear signal that Debian is not to be trusted wrt. investing anything into it, right now. Why is this? Simply: GR not required means that whatever people do is probably right . Besides this, we have one statement from the CTTE ( systemd is default init system for jessie. Period. ) and nothing else. This means that runit, or upstart, or file-rc, or uselessd, can be the default init system for zurg^H^H^H^Hstretch, or even the only one. It also means that the vast majority of Debian Developers are sheeple, neither clearly voting to preserve freedom of choice between init systems for its users, nor clearly voting to unambiguously support systemd and progress over compatibility and choice, nor clearly stating that systemd is important but supporting other init systems is still recommended. (I ll not go into detail on how the proposer of the apparently winning choice recommends others to ignore ftpmaster constraints and licences, and even suggests to run a GR to soften up the DFSG interpretation.) I d have voted this as no, absolutely not if it was possible to do so more strongly. Judging from the statistics, the only thing I voted above NOTA/FD is the one least accepted by DDs, although the only other proposal I considered is the first-rated of them: support for other init systems is recommended but not required. What made me vote it below NOTA/FD was: The Debian Project makes no statement at this time on sysvinit support beyond the jessie release. This sentence made even this proposal unbearable, unacceptable, for people wanting to invest (time, money, etc.) into Debian. Update: Formal result announced. So 358 out of 483 voting DDs decided to be sheeple (if I understand the eMail correctly). We had 1006 DDs with voting rights, which is a bit ashaming as well. That s 48.01% only. I wonder what s worse. This opens up a very hard problem: I m absolutely stunned by this and wondering what to do now. While there is no real alternative to Debian at $dayjob I can always create customised packages in my own APT repository, and while it was great when those were eventually (3.1.17-1) accepted into Debian, even replacing the previous packages completely it is simpler and quicker to not do so. While $dayjob benefits from having packages I work on inside Debian itself, even though I cannot always test all scenarios Debian users would need, some work reduction due to reactions already led to Debian losing out on Mediawiki for jessie and some additional suffering. With my own package repository, I can modulo installing/debootstrap serve my needs for $dayjob much quicker, easily, etc. and only miss out on absolutely delightful user feedback. But then, others could always package software I m upstream of for Debian. Or, if I do not leave the project, continue doing so via QA uploads. I m also disappointed because I have invested quite some effort into trying to make Debian better (my idea to join as DD was if I ve got to use it, it better be damn good! ), into packaging software and convincing people at work that developing software as Debian packages instead of (or not) thinking of packaging later was good. I ve converted our versions of FusionForge and d-push to Debian packages, and it works pretty damn well. Sometimes it needs backports of my own, but that s the corportate world, and no problem to an experienced DD. (I just feel bad we ($orkplace) lost some people, an FTP master along them, before this really gained traction.) I d convert to OpenBSD because, despite MirBSD s history with them, they re the only technically sound alternative, but apparently tedu (whom I respect technically, and who used to offer good advice to even me when asked, and who I think wouldn t choose systemd himself) still (allying with the systemd side (I m not against people being able to choose systemd, for the record, I just don t want to be forced into it myself!)) has some sort of grudge against me. Plus, it d be hard to get customers to follow. So, no alternative right now. But I m used to managing my own forks of software; I m doomed to basically hack and fix anything I use (I recently got someone who owns a licence to an old-enough Visual Studio version to transfer that to me, so I can hack on the Windows Mobile 6 version of Cachebox, to fix bugs in one of the geocaching applications I use. Now I just need to learn C# and the .NET Compact Framework. So I m also used to some amount of pain.) I m still unresolved wrt. the attitude I should show the Debian project now. I had decided to just continue to live on, and work on the things I need done, but that was before this GR non-result. I absolutely cannot recommend anyone to invest into Debian (without sounding hypocriet), but I cannot recommend anything else either. I cannot justify leaving but don t know if I want to stay. I think I should sleep over it. One thing I promised, and thus will do, is to organise a meeting of the Debian/m68k people soonish. But then, major and important and powerful forces inside Debian still insist that Debian-Ports are not part of it [Update: yes, DSA is moving it closer, thanks for that by the way, but that doesn t mean anything to certain maintainers or the Release Team, although, the latter is actually understandable and probably sensible.] yet, all forks of Debian now suffer from the systemd adoption in it instead of having a freedom-of-choice upstream. I ve said, and I still feel that systemd adoption should have done in a Debian downstream / (pure?) blend, and maybe (parts of) GNOME removed from Debian itself for it. (Adding cgroups support to the m68k kernel to support systemd was done. I adviced against it, on the grounds of memory and code size. But no downstream can remove it now.)

Simon McVittie: still aiming to be the universal operating system

Debian's latest round of angry mailing list threads have been about some combination of init systems, future direction and project governance. The details aren't particularly important here, and pretty much everything worthwhile in favour of or against each position has already been said several times, but I think this bit is important enough that it bears repeating: the reason I voted "we didn't need this General Resolution" ahead of the other options is that I hope we can continue to use our normal technical and decision-making processes to make Debian 8 the best possible OS distribution for everyone. That includes people who like systemd, people who dislike systemd, people who don't care either way and just want the OS to work, and everyone in between those extremes. I think that works best when we do things, and least well when a lot of time and energy get diverted into talking about doing things. I've been trying to do my small part of the former by fixing some release-critical bugs so we can release Debian 8. Please join in, and remember to write good unblock requests so our hard-working release team can get through them in a finite time. I realise not everyone will agree with my idea of which bugs, which features and which combinations of packages are highest-priority; that's fine, there are plenty of bugs to go round! Regarding init systems specifically, Debian 'jessie' currently works with at least systemd-sysv or sysvinit-core as pid 1 (probably also Upstart, but I haven't tried that) and I'm confident that Debian developers won't let either of those regress before it's released as Debian 8. I expect the freeze for Debian 'stretch' (presumably Debian 9) to be a couple of years away, so it seems premature to say anything about what will or won't be supported there; that depends on what upstream developers do, and what Debian developers do, between now and then. What I can predict is that the components that get useful bug reports, active maintenance, thorough testing, careful review, and similar help from contributors will work better than the things that don't; so if you like a component and want it to be supported in Debian, you can help by, well, supporting it.
PS. If you want the Debian 8 installer to leave you running sysvinit as pid 1 after the first reboot, here's a suitable incantation to add to the kernel command-line in the installer's bootloader. This one certainly worked when KiBi asked for testing a few days ago:
preseed/late_command="in-target apt-get install -y sysvinit-core"
I think that corresponds to this line in a preseeding file, if you use those:
d-i preseed/late_command string in-target apt-get install -y sysvinit-core
A similar apt-get command, without the in-target prefix, should work on an installed system that already has systemd-sysv. Depending on other installed software, you might need to add systemd-shim to the command line too, but when I tried it, apt-get was able to work that out for itself. If you use aptitude instead of apt-get, double-check what it will do before saying "yes" to this particular switchover: its heuristic for resolving conflicts seems to be rather more trigger-happy about removing packages than the one in apt-get.

16 November 2014

Daniel Leidert: Install automatically starting XBMC to N54L microserver under Debian Wheezy 7.7

This is a followup to my previous post about getting sound output from the Sapphire Radeon HD 6450 card in my HP N54L microserver via HDMI. This post will describe, howto install XBMC from Wheezy backports and how to automatically start it. Again, there are vaious ways and I'll only describe mine. Further, this is, what I did so far: enable the audio output for the Radeon card and install together with lightdm. Step 3 - Install XBMCThis is a pretty easy task. I've chosen to install XBMC 13.2 from the Wheezy backports repository.
# apt-get install -t wheezy-backports xbmc
Step 4 - Automically start XBMCThere are various ways; some involve starting it a s a service using init scripts f r sysvinit or upstrart or systemd. You'll easily find them. I've chosen to create a user, automatically log him into X and start XBMC. The user is called xbmc.
# adduser --home /home/xbmc --add_extra_groups xbmc
I used to choose a password. But I wonder, if using --disabled-password would work too? Next I adjusted /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf. Below are only the differences to the stock version of this file. I haven't touched other lines.
The file /usr/share/xsessions/XBMC.desktop is the stock one, no changes made. After restarting lightdm:
# service lightdm restart
XBMC is started automatically. If anything goes wrong or doesn't work, I suggest to check /var/log/auth.log, /home/xbmc/.xsession-errors and /var/log/lightdm/*.log. In a few cases it seems necessary to login the user xbmc manually once although it wasn't necessary here.JFTR: When I checked /var/log/auth.log I saw a few errors and installed gnome-keyring too:
apt-get install --install-recommends gnome-keyring
Step 5 - Useful packagesThere are some packages, which might be useful running XBMC, e.g. ConclusionI'm now running XBMC on top of Debian Wheezy on the N54L microserver without a bloated desktop environment. The system automatically starts the XBMC session on start/reboot. Video and sound are working fine, though it was necessary to install recent firmware and a recent kernel from Wheezy backports to get it done. Thanks to the whole OSS community for aksing, for answering, for blogging, for using and for continue developing! I currently enjoy the results :)

13 November 2014

Tanguy Ortolo: Re: About choice

This is a reply to Josselin Mouette's blog article About choice, since his blog does not seem to accept comments . Please note that this is not meant to be systemd-bashing, just a criticism base one a counter-example refutation of Josselin's implication that there is no use case better covered by SysV init: this is false, as there is at least one. And yes, there are probably many cases better covered by systemd, I am making no claims about that.A use case better covered by SysV init: encrypted block devices So, waiting for a use case better covered by SysV init? Rejoice, you will not die waiting, here is one: encrypted block devices. That case works just fine with SysV init, without any specific configuration, whereas systemd just sucks at it. There exist a way to make it work , but: If you know any better, I would be glad to try it. Believe me, I like the basic principles of systemd and I would be glad to have it working correctly on my system. Notes
  1. Well, it does accept comments, but marks them as span and does not show them, which is roughly equivalent.
  2. Installing an additional piece of software, Plymouth, is supposed to make systemd work correctly with encrypted block devices. Yes, this is additional configuration, as that piece of software does not come when you install systemd, and it is not even suggested so a regular user cannot guess it.
  3. Though I must say I hate the way it is pushed into the GNU/Linux desktop systems.

9 November 2014

Erich Schubert: GR vote on init coupling

Overregulation is bad, and the project is suffering from the recent Anti-Systemd hate campaigning.
There is nothing balanced about the original GR proposal. It is bullshit from a policy point of view (it means we must remove software from Debian that would not work with other inits, such as gnome-journal, by policy).At the same time, it uses manipulative language like "freedom to select a different init system" (as if this would otherwise be impossible) and "accidentally locked in". It is exactly this type of language and behavior which has made Debian quite poisonous the last months.
In fact, the GR pretty much says "I don't trust my fellow maintainers to do the right thing, therefore I want a new hammer to force my opinion on them". This is unacceptable in my opinion, and the GR will only demotivate contributors. Every Debian developer (I'm not talking about systemd upstream, but about Debian developers!) I've met would accept a patch that adds support for sysvinit to a package that currently doesn't. The proposed GR will not improve sysvinit support. It is a hammer to kick out software where upstream doesn't want to support sysvinit, but it won't magically add sysvinit support anywhere.
What some supporters of the GR may not have realized - it may as well backfire on them. Some packages that don't yet work with systemd would violate policy then, too... - in my opinion, it is much better to make the support on a "as good as possible, given available upstream support and patches" basis, instead of a "must" basis. The lock-in may come even faster if we make init system support mandatory: it may be more viable to drop software to satisfy the GR than to add support for other inits - and since systemd is the current default, software that doesn't support systemd are good candidates to be dropped, aren't they? (Note that I do prefer to keep them, and have a policy that allows keeping them ...)
For these reasons I voted:
  1. Choice 4: GR not required
  2. Choice 3: Let maintainers do their work
  3. Choice 2: Recommended, but not mandatory
  4. Choice 5: No decision
  5. Choice 1: Ban packages that don't work with every init system
Fact is that Debian maintainers have always been trying hard to allow people to choose their favorite software. Until you give me an example where the Debian maintainer (not upstream) has refused to include sysvinit support, I will continue to trust my fellow DDs. I've been considering to place Choice 2 below "further discussion", but essentially this is a no-op GR anyway - in my opinion "should support other init systems" is present in default Debian policy already anyway...
Say no to the haters.
And no, I'm not being unfair. One of the most verbose haters going by various pseudonyms such as Gregory Smith (on Linux Kernel Mailing list), Brad Townshend (LKML) and John Garret (LKML) has come forward with his original alias - it is indeed MikeeUSA, a notorious anti-feminist troll (see his various youtube "songs", some of them include this pseudonym). It's easy to verify yourself.
He has not contributed anything to the open source community. His songs and "games" are not worth looking at, and I'm not aware of any project that has accepted any of his "contributions". Yet, he uses several sock puppets to spread his hate.
The anti-systemd "crowd" (if it acually is more than a few notorious trolls) has lost all its credibility in my opinion. They spread false information, use false names, and focus on hate instead of improving source code. And worse, they tolerate such trolling in their ranks.

6 November 2014

Matthias Klumpp: The state of AppStream/GNOME-Software in Debian Jessie

or Why do I not see any update notifications on my brand-new Debian Jessie installation?? This is a short explanation of the status quo, and also explains the no update notifications issue in a slightly more detailed way, since I am already getting bug reports for that. As you might know, GNOME provides GNOME-Software for installation of applications via PackageKit. In order to work properly, GNOME-Software needs AppStream metadata, which is not yet available in Debian. There was a GSoC student working on the necessary code for that, but the code is not yet ready and doesn t produce good results yet. Therefore, I postponed AppStream integration to Jessie+1, with an option to include some metadata for GNOME and KDE to use via a normal .deb package. Then, GNOME was updated to 3.14. GNOME 3.14 moved lots of stuff into GNOME-Software, including the support for update-notifications (which have been in g-s-d before). GNOME-Software is also the only thing which can edit the application groups in GNOME-Shell, at least currently. So obviously, there was no a much stronger motivation to support GNOME-Software in Jessie. The appstream-glib library, which GNOME-Software uses exclusively to read AppStream metadata, didn t support the DEP-11 metadata format which Debian uses in place of the original AppSTream XML for a while, but does so in it s current development branch. So that component had to be packaged first. Later, GNOME-Software was uploaded to the archive as well, but still lacked the required metadata. That data was provided by me as a .deb package later, locally generated using the current code by my SoC student (the data isn t great, but better than nothing). So far with the good news. But there are multiple issues at time. First of all, the appstream-data package didn t pass NEW so far, due to it s complex copyright situation (nothing we can t resolve, since app-install-data, which appstream-data would replace, is in Debian as well). Also, GNOME-Software is exclusively using offline-updates (more information also on [1] and [2]) at time. This isn t always working at the moment, since I haven t had the time to test it properly and I didn t expect it to be used in Debian Jessie as well[3]. Furthermore, the offline-updates feature requires systemd (which isn t an issue in itself, I am quite fine with that, but people not using it will get unexpected results, unless someone does the work to implement offline-updates with sysvinit). Since we are in freeze at time, and obviously this stuff is not ready yet, GNOME is currently without update notifications and without a way to change the shell application groups. So, how can we fix this? One way would of course be to patch notification support back into g-s-d, if the new layout there allows doing that. But that would not give us the other features GNOME-Software provides, like application-group-editing. Implementing that differently and patching it to make it work would be more or at least the same amount of work like making GNOME-Software run properly. I therefore prefer getting GNOME-Software to run, at least with basic functionality. That would likely mean hiding things like the offline-update functionality, and using online-updates with GNOME-PackageKit instead. Obviously, this approach has it s own issues, like doing most of the work post-freeze, which kind of defeats the purpose of the freeze and would need some close coordination with the release-team. So, this is the status quo at time. It is kind of unfortunate that GNOME moved crucial functionality into a new component which requires additional integration work by the distributors so quickly, but that s something which isn t worth to talk about. We need a way forward to bring update-notifications back, and there is currently work going on to do that. For all Debian users: Please be patient while we resolve the situation, and sorry for the inconvenience. For all developers: If you would like to help, please contact me or Laurent Bigonville, there are some tasks which could use some help.
As a small remark: If you are using KDE, you are lucky Apper provides the notification support like it always did, and thanks to improvements in aptcc and PackageKit, it even is a bit faster now. For the Xfce and <other_desktop> people, you need to check if your desktop provides integration with PackageKit for update-checking. At least Xfce doesn t, but after GNOME-PackageKit removed support for it (which was moved to gnome-settings-daemon and now to GNOME-Software) nobody stepped up to implement it yet (so if you want to do it it s not super-complicated, but knowledge of C and GTK+ is needed). - [3]: It looks like dpkg tries to ask a debconf question for some reason, or an external tool like apt-listchanges is interfering with the process, which must run completely unsupervised. There is some debugging needed to resolve these Debian-specific issues.

4 November 2014

Marco d'Itri: My position on the "init system coupling" General Resolution

I first want to clarify for the people not intimately involved with Debian that the GR-2014-003 vote is not about choosing the default init system or deciding if sysvinit should still be supported: its outcome will not stop systemd from being Debian's default init system and will not prevent any interested developers from supporting sysvinit. Some non-developers have recently threatened of "forking Debian" if this GR will not pass, apparently without understanding well the concept: Debian welcomes forks and I think that having more users working on free software would be great no matter which init system they favour. The goal of Ian Jackson's proposal is to force the maintainers who want to use the superior features of systemd in their packages to spend their time on making them work with sysvinit as well. This is antisocial and also hard to reconcile it with the Debian Constitution, which states: 2.1.1 Nothing in this constitution imposes an obligation on anyone to do work for the Project. A person who does not want to do a task which has been delegated or assigned to them does not need to do it. [...] As it has been patiently explained by many other people, this proposal is unrealistic: if the maintainers of some packages were not interested in working on support for sysvinit and nobody else submitted patches then we would probably still have to release them as is even if formally declared unsuitable for a release. On the other hand, if somebody is interested in working on sysvinit support then there is no need for a GR forcing them to do it. The most elegant outcome of this GR would be a victory of choice 4 ("please do not waste everybody's time with pointless general resolutions"), but Ian Jackson has been clear enough in explaining how he sees the future of this debate: If my GR passes we will only have to have this conversation if those who are outvoted do not respect the project's collective decision. If my GR fails I expect a series of bitter rearguard battles over individual systemd dependencies. There are no significant practical differences between choices 2 "support alternative init systems as much as possible" and 3 "packages may require specific init systems if maintainers decide", but the second option is more explicit in supporting the technical decisions of maintainers and upstream developers. This is why I think that we need a stronger outcome to prevent discussing this over and over, no matter how each one of us feels about working personally on sysvinit support in the future. I will vote for choices 3, 2, 4, 1.

2 November 2014

Thomas Goirand: OpenStack packaging activity: October 2014

Wednesday 1:
Uploaded python-xstatic-jquery removing the .pth file from package.
Uploaded python-taskflow 0.4 to experimental, needed by Cinder Juno RC1
Uploaded Cinder Juno RC1 to experimental Thuesday 2:
Finally understood that the issue with murano-dashboard was that it doesn t build without django-nose >= 1.2. Opened new patch at:
Uploaded murano-dashboard to Experimental, now using django-nose from wheezy-backports in my jenkins setup, so murano-dashboard can be built for Wheezy.
Uploaded python-oslotest (really is upstream 1.1.0)
Uploaded python-oslo.serialization 1.0.0-1 (needed by Ceilometer Juno RC1)
Uploaded Ceilometer Juno RC1
Uploaded Heat Juno RC1
Uploaded oslo.rootwrap
Uploaded oslo.db 1.0.2 (bugfix release)
Wrote a new system in openstack-pkg-tools to generate init scripts and. service files from a template, so we don t have to write N times the same thing. Friday 3:
Reworked openstack-pkg-tools to generate automatically sysv-rc init scripts, upstart jobs and systemd unit files, making the system more unified and consistent.
Applied the new system to all packages in Juno.
Uploaded Keystone 2014.1.3-1 to Sid
Uploaded Nova 2014.1.3-1 to Sid
Uploaded Glance 2014.1.3-1 to Sid
Uploaded Neutron 2014.1.3-1 to Sid
Uploaded Horizon 2014.1.3-1 to Sid
Uploaded Cinder 2014.1.3-1 to Sid
Uploaded Trove 2014.1.3-1 to Sid
Uploaded Ceilometer 2014.1.3-1 to Sid Saturday 4:
Uploaded Horizon Juno RC1 to Experimental
Uploaded oslotest to Experimental
Uploaded Ironic Juno RC1 to Experimental
Uploaded Designate Juno RC1 to Experimental
Uploaded Nova Juno RC1 to Experimental
Uploaded Neutron Juno RC1 to Experimental
Uploaded openstack-meta-packages 0.10 to Sid
Uploaded openstack-pkg-tools 13 to Experimental
Uploaded murano-agent Juno RC1 to Experimental Sunday 5:
Uploaded Sahara Juno RC1 to Experimental (it s been approved by FTP masters)
Uploaded Murano Juno RC1 to Experimental (it s been approved by FTP masters)
Fixed all debian/watch file to understand ~b and ~rc releases (fixed applied on both Icehouse and Juno branches, though no upload yet, I ll wait until uploads are needed to have this in the archive ).
Uploaded Trove Juno RC1 to Experimental
Uploaded Sahara Juno RC1 to Experimental With this last upload, everything of Juno RC1 is in Debian Experimental! \o/ Monday 6:
Uploaded some fixes for Nova 2014.1.3-2 in Sid:
* Removed contrib/boto_v6/* in debian/copyright, replaced bin/nova-manage by nova/cmd/ baremetal_,
* Mangling upstream rc and beta versions in watch file.
* Added 9990_update_german_programm_messages.patch, thanks to Helge Kreutzmann <>.
* Fixed correct de.po (Closes: #763682).
* Added nl.po initial Debconf translation, thanks to Frans Spiesschaert <> (Closes: #764125).
* Standards-Version is now 3.9.6 (no change).
Upstreamed german translation of po file:
Uploaded Designate 2014.1-12 to Sid, added new de.po also to the Juno branch on alioth (but didn t upload the fix yet).
Uploaded sphinxcontrib-httpdomain new upstream 1.3.0 release, added Python 3.x support to the package, and transitionning to the correct namespaced python-sphinxcontrib.httpdomain package name.
Spent most of the day fixing python-xstatic issues:
o uploaded libjs-twitter-bootstrap-datepicker 1.3.1
o uploaded python-xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker requiring this libjs package
o fixed python-xstatic-jquery-ui package
Now Horizon Juno RC1 builds well, and can be installed again. \o/ Tuesday 7:
Backported python-libvirt 1.2.8 in Wheezy (for Nova Juno support )
Uploaded Ceilometer Juno RC1 with ceilometer-agent-ipmi added (the package will therefore go through the NEW queue).
Uploaded python-requestbuilder 0.2.2-1, needed by the maintainers of euca2ools.
Ported the unified generated init system scripts to Icehouse packages.
Uploaded to Sid updates for: openstack-pkg-tools, ceilometer, cinder, glance, keystone, cinder, nova. Wednesday 8:
Uploaded openstack-pkg-tools 16 to Sid
Uploaded murano-dashboard (with upstream fix to remove font-awesome, which was the reason for FTP master s rejection)
Uploaded ceilometer Juno RC1 with new IPMI agent package (needed for Ironic support).
Uploaded heat 2014.1.3 which I forgot.
Tested which solves the bug I sent to launchpad and approved the patch.
Uploaded python-requestbuilder 0.2.3 Thesday 9:
Worked on fixing Neutron Alembic migration with SQLite3.
Uploade Neutron 2014.2~rc1-3 with a fix for a patch that was destroying This still doesn t include the Alembic migration fixes, which are still a WIP. Firday 10:
Finished fixing Neutron SQLite 3 Alembic migrations.
Uploaded neutron 2014.2~rc1-3 with the fixes.
Fixed Ceilometer wrong generation of sample config file, using upstream patch (after discussing with Julien Danjou so he wrote it).
Uploaded Ceilometer 2014.2~rc1-4 with the fix
Checked that all packages can be installed in non-interactive mode. This works well now! \o/ Saturday 11:
Uploaded new version of python-xstatic-angular-cookies (ie: which allows a higher version of libjs-angularjs (otherwise the package is not installable in Sid/Jessie since last version of angularjs is uploaded). Sunday 12:
Uploaded factory-boy fix for FTBFS
Uploaded python-django-appconf FTBFS
Uploaded Horizon Juno RC2
Uploaded Heat Juno RC3
Uploaded Trove Juno RC2
Uploaded Glance Juno RC2
Uploaded Sahara Juno RC2
Uploaded Nova Juno RC2
Uploaded Neutron Juno RC2
Uploaded Cinder Juno RC2
Uploaded murano-dashboard Juno RC2 Monday 13:
Uploaded python-heatclient 0.2.12-1 to Experimental
Uploaded python-yaql with RC bugfix to Sid (missing dep on python3-ply). Thuesday 14:
Fixed arping newly added dependency in Neutron
Started testing install of all of openstack Juno at once Wednesday 15:
Fixed missing configuration files in Ceilometer (ceilometer-api couldn t start)
Upgraded to Ceilometer Juno RC3.
Backported python-setuptools, as keystone and others are broken due to the namespace of modules not working correctly with the old version of python-pkg-resources. With the new one, everything is back in order. Thesday 16:
Uploaded to Debian Experimental the final release of Juno (ie: 2014.2) for:
Horizon (with fix for Django 1.7 in the wsgi file)
Uploaded to Sid:
Swift 2.2.0
Horizon 2014.1.3-3 with fix for Django 1.7 in the wsgi file that was crashing apache. OpenStack Juno packages are out!!! (ready the day of the upstream release ) Friday 17:
Investigated Trove RC bug #765348, couldn t reproduce, and therefore closed it.
Uploaded Ironic Juno final to Experimental
Uploaded Designate Juno final to Experimental
Uploaded a fix for python-jingo which failed to build with Django 1.7. Sent pull request upstream:
Uploaded CVE-2014-7230 & CVE-2014-7231 fixes for both Cinder and Nova in Debian Sid, as per OSSA 2014-036 patches. No need to upload a fix for Trove, as 2014.1.3 already has the fixes. Saturday 18:
Started building Trusty packages
Fixed oslo-config so that it never depends on python3-argparse, which doesn t exist (uploaded to Experimental)
Uploaded python-django-pyscss 1.0.3-2 with python-simplejson now as build-depends (it failed to build in my Trusty jenkins without it).
Uploaded a fix for stevedore and oslo-config to not depends on python3-argparse in Ubuntu (added debian/py3dist-overrides) Sunday 19:
Uploaded python-taskflow with ordereddict in debian/pydist-overrides.
Backported JS packages for Horizon and libvirt for Trusty (from Sid). My new Jenkin server is now producing a full set of Juno packages for Ubuntu trusty. And of course, it s updated on each git push, just like for the Wheezy backports. Monday 20:
Added FORCE_COULEUR=1 when running tests in python-couleur, so that it doesn t fail when running with git-buildpackage. Uploaded result in Sid.
Fixed python-mockito so that it never downloads distribute or nose on its clean target, which was annoying when running git-buildpackage. Uploaded to Sid.
Started to work again on automatic package deployment using openstack-deploy, from the openstack-meta-packages source package. Thuesday 21, Wednesday 22:
Worked on testing packages, did couples of minor fixes, reworked some of the default configuration files to match the install-guide, move configuration directive to the correct new section in nova.conf, etc. Thursday 23:
Patch the Neutron chapter in the install-guide to take into account the changes done on Thuesday 21, Wednesday 22, and simplify the install procedure in Debian. Friday 24:
Busy packing my stuff for moving to France Not much packaging work, except more auto-deploy stuff and some tests. Saturday 25:
Uploaded Nova, Neutron, Cinder and Horizon Icehouse in Sid, including some debconf translation updates, beating the Jessie freeze deadline in 10 days.
Fixed and uploaded openstack-debian-images in Sid: the login option wasn t modifying the default sudoers file, which always contained debian , instead of the custom login. Sunday 26:
Traveled to Moscow Monday 27 & Tuesday 28:
Fixed some murano & murano-dashboard stuff, thanks to the help of some murano team members in Moscow office. Uploaded fixes for murano & murano-dashboard. Tested that murano-dashboard works well, and now it does! :)
Uploaded version dependency fixes for python-xstatic-angular-cookies and python-xstatic-d3 which couldn t be installed in Sid/Jessie because of libjs-* updates. Wednesday 29:
Meeting with Saratov team
Updated sahara endpoints, but didn t upload the package yet to Debian. Thursday 30:
Uploaded ruby-raemon needed for Astute (part of Fuel web).
Packaged ruby-symboltable (not uploaded yet). Friday 31:
Wrote unit test runner for python-webpy (the current package doesn t have unit test runs).
Uploaded python-dbutils (needed by unit tests) to Sid: now in NEW queue
Uploaded python-nose-parametrized & python-nose-timer to Sid: now in NEW queue
Uploaded sahara -2 fixing the API endpoint registration URL and service name.
Uploaded python-sphinxcontrib.plantuml to Sid: : now in NEW queue

21 October 2014

Lucas Nussbaum: Tentative summary of the amendments of the init system coupling GR

This is an update of my previous attempt at summarizing this discussion. As I proposed one of the amendments, you should not blindly trust me, of course. :-) First, let s address two FAQ: What is the impact on jessie?
On the technical level, none. The current state of jessie already matches what is expected by all proposals. It s a different story on the social level. Why are we voting now, then?
Ian Jackson, who submitted the original proposal, explained his motivation in this mail. We now have four different proposals: (summaries are mine) [plessy] is the simplest, and does not discuss the questions that the other proposals are answering, given it considers that the normal Debian decision-making processes have not been exhausted. In order to understand the three other proposals, it s useful to break them down into several questions. Q1: support for the default init system on Linux
A1.1: packages MUST work with the default init system on Linux as PID 1.
(That is the case in both [iwj] and [lucas]) A1.2: packages SHOULD work with the default init system on Linux as PID 1.
With [dktrkranz], it would no longer be required to support the default init system, as maintainers could choose to require another init system than the default, if they consider this a prerequisite for its proper operation; and no patches or other derived works exist in order to support other init systems. That would not be a policy violation. (see this mail and its reply for details). Theoretically, it could also create fragmentation among Debian packages requiring different init systems: you would not be able to run pkgA and pkgB at the same time, because they would require different init systems. Q2: support for alternative init systems as PID 1
A2.1: packages MUST work with one alternative init system (in [iwj])
(Initially, I thought that one here should be understood as sysvinit , as this mail, Ian detailed why he chose to be unspecific about the target init system. However, in that mail, he later clarified that a package requiring systemd or uselessd would be fine as well, given that in practice there aren t going to be many packages that would want to couple specifically to systemd _or_ uselessd, but where support for other init systems is hard to provide.)
To the user, that brings the freedom to switch init systems (assuming that the package will not just support two init systems with specific interfaces, but rather a generic interface common to many init systems).
However, it might require the maintainer to do the required work to support additional init systems, possibly without upstream cooperation.
Lack of support is a policy violation (severity >= serious, RC).
Bugs about degraded operation on some init systems follow the normal bug severity rules. A2.2: packages SHOULD work with alternative init systems as PID 1. (in [lucas])
This is a recommendation. Lack of support is not a policy violation (bug severity < serious, not RC). A2.3: nothing is said about alternative init systems (in [dktrkranz]). Lack of support would likely be a wishlist bug. Q3: special rule for sysvinit to ease wheezy->jessie upgrades
(this question is implicitly dealt with in [iwj], assuming that one of the supported init systems is sysvinit)
A3.1: continue support for sysvinit (in [lucas])
For the jessie release, all software available in Debian wheezy that supports being run under sysvinit should continue to support sysvinit unless there is no technically feasible way to do so. A3.2: no requirement to support sysvinit (in [dktrkranz])
Theoretically, this could require two-step upgrades: first reboot with systemd, then upgrade other packages Q4: non-binding recommendation to maintainers
A4.1: recommend that maintainers accept patches that add or improve
support for alternative init systems. (in both [iwj] and [lucas], with a different wording) A4.2: say nothing (in [dktrkranz]) Q5: support for init systems with are the default on non-Linux ports
A5.1: non-binding recommendation to add/improve support with a high priority (in [lucas]) A5.2: say nothing (in [iwj] and [dktrkranz]) Comments are closed: please discuss by replying to that mail.

Erich Schubert: Avoiding systemd isn't hard

Don't listen to trolls. They lie.
Debian was and continues to be about choice. Previously, you could configure Debian to use other init systems, and you can continue to do so in the future.
In fact, with wheezy, sysvinit was essential. In the words of trolls, Debian "forced" you to install SysV init!
With jessie, it will become easier to choose the init system, because neither init system is essential now. Instead, there is an essential meta-package "init", which requires you to install one of systemd-sysv sysvinit-core upstart. In other words, you have more choice than ever before.
Again: don't listen to trolls.
However, notice that there are some programs such as login managers (e.g. gdm3) which have an upstream dependency on systemd. gdm3 links against libsystemd0 and depends on libpam-systemd; and the latter depends on systemd-sysv systemd-shim so it is in fact a software such as GNOME that is pulling systemd onto your computer.
IMHO you should give systemd a try. There are some broken (SysV-) init scripts that cause problems with systemd; but many of these cases have now been fixed - not in systemd, but in the broken init script.
However, here is a clean way to prevent systemd from being installed when you upgrade to jessie. (No need to "fork" Debian for this, which just demonstrates how uninformed some trolls are ... - apart from Debian being very open to custom debian distributions, which can easily be made without "forking".)
As you should know, apt allows version pinning. This is the proper way to prevent a package from being installed. All you need to do is create a file named e.g. /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-systemd with the contents:
Package: systemd-sysv
Pin: release o=Debian
Pin-Priority: -1
from the documentation, a priority less than 0 disallows the package from being installed. systemd-sysv is the package that would enable systemd as your default init (/sbin/init).
This change will make it much harder for aptitude to solve dependencies. A good way to help it to solve the dependencies is to install the systemd-shim package explicitly first:
aptitude install systemd-shim
After this, I could upgrade a Debian system from wheezy to jessie without being "forced" to use systemd...
In fact, I could also do an aptitude remove systemd systemd-shim. But that would have required the uninstallation of GNOME, gdm3 and network-manager - you may or may not be willing to do this. On a server, there shouldn't be any component actually depending on systemd at all. systemd is mostly a GNOME-desktop thing as of now.
As you can see, the trolls are totally blaming the wrong people, for the wrong reasons... and in fact, the trolls make up false claims (as a fact, systemd-shim was updated on Oct 14). Stop listening to trolls, please.
If you find a bug - a package that needlessly depends on systemd, or a good way to remove some dependency e.g. via dynamic linking, please contribute a patch upstream and file a bug. Solve problems at the package/bug level, instead of wasting time doing hate speeches.

18 October 2014

Erich Schubert: Beware of trolls - do not feed

A particularly annoying troll has been on his hate crusade against systemd for months now.
Unfortunately, he's particularly active on Debian mailing lists (but apparently also on Ubuntu and the Linux Kernel mailing list) and uses a tons of fake users he keeps on setting up. Our listmasters have a hard time blocking all his hate, sorry.
Obviously, this is also the same troll that has been attacking Lennart Poettering.
There is evidence that this troll used to go by the name "MikeeUSA", and has quite a reputation with anti-feminist hate for over 10 years now.
Please, do not feed this troll.
Here are some names he uses on YouTube: Gregory Smith, Matthew Bradshaw, Steve Stone.
Blacklisting is the best measure we have, unfortunately.
Even if you don't like the road systemd is taking or Lennart Poetting personall - the behaviour of that troll is unacceptable to say the least; and indicates some major psychological problems... also, I wouldn't be surprised if he is also involved in #GamerGate.
See this example (LKML) if you have any doubts. We seriously must not tolerate such poisonous people.
If you don't like systemd, the acceptable way of fighting it is to write good alternative software (and you should be able to continue using SysV init or openRC, unless there is a bug, in Debian - in this case, provide a bug fix). End of story.

17 October 2014

Tanguy Ortolo: Trying systemd [ OK ] Switching back to SysV [ OK ]

Since systemd is now the default init system under Debian Jessie, it got installed to my system and I had a chance to test it. The result is disappointing: it does not work well with cryptsetup, so I am switching back to SysV init and RC.The problem comes from the fact that I am using encrypted drives with cryptsetup, and while this is correctly integrated with SysV, it just sucks with systemd, where the passphrase prompt is mixed up with service start messages, a bit like that (from memory, since I did not take a picture of my system booting):
Enter passphrase for volume foobar-crypt:
[ OK ] Sta*rting serv*ice foo**
[ OK ] ***Starting service bar**
[ OK ] Starting service baz****
The stars correspond to the letters I type, and as you can see, as the passphrase prompt does not wait for my input, they get everywhere in the boot messages, and there is no clear indication that the passphrase was accepted. This looks like some pathological optimization for boot speed, where even interactive steps are run in parallel with services startup: sorry, but this is just insane. There may exist ways to work around this issue, but I do not care: SysV init works just fine with no setup at all, and I since have no real need for another init system, systemd as a replacement is only acceptable if it works at least as fine for my setup, which is not the case. Goodbye systemd, come back when you are ready.

13 October 2014

John Goerzen: Update on the systemd issue

The other day, I wrote about my poor first impressions of systemd in jessie. Here s an update. I d like to start with the things that are good. I found the systemd community to be one of the most helpful in Debian, and #debian-systemd IRC channel to be especially helpful. I was in there for quite some time yesterday, and appreciated the help from many people, especially Michael. This is a nontechnical factor, but is extremely important; this has significantly allayed my concerns about systemd right there. There are things about the systemd design that impress. The dependency system and configuration system is a lot more flexible than sysvinit. It is also a lot more complicated, and difficult to figure out what s happening. I am unconvinced of the utility of parallelization of boot to begin with; I rarely reboot any of my Linux systems, desktops or servers, and it seems to introduce needless complexity. Anyhow, on to the filesystem problem, and a bit of a background. My laptop runs ZFS, which is somewhat similar to btrfs in that it s a volume manager (like LVM), RAID manager (like md), and filesystem in one. My system runs LVM, and inside LVM, I have two ZFS pools (volume groups): one, called rpool, that is unencrypted and holds mainly the operating system; and the other, called crypt, that is stacked atop LUKS. ZFS on Linux doesn t yet have built-in crypto, which is why LVM is even in the picture here (to separate out the SSD at a level above ZFS to permit parts of it to be encrypted). This is a bit of an antiquated setup for me; as more systems have AES-NI, I m going to everything except /boot being encrypted. Anyhow, inside rpool is the / filesystem, /var, and /usr. Inside /crypt is /tmp and /home. Initially, I tried to just boot it, knowing that systemd is supposed to work with LSB init scripts, and ZFS has init scripts with carefully-planned dependencies. This was evidently not working, perhaps because /lib/systemd/systemd/ It turns out that systemd has a few assumptions that turn out to be less true with ZFS than otherwise. ZFS filesystems are normally not mounted via /etc/fstab; a ZFS pool has internal properties about which dataset gets mounted where (similar to LVM s actions after a vgscan and vgchange -ay). Even though there are ordering constraints in the units, systemd is writing files to /var before /var gets mounted, resulting in the mount failing (unlike ext4, ZFS by default will reject an attempt to mount over a non-empty directory). Partly this due to the debian-fixup.service, and partly it is due to systemd reacting to udev items like backlight. This problem was eventually worked around by doing zfs set mountpoint=legacy rpool/var, and then adding a line to fstab ( rpool/var /var zfs defaults 0 2 ) for /var and its descendent filesystems. This left the problem of /tmp; again, it wasn t getting mounted soon enough. In this case, it required crypttab to be processed first, and there seem to be a lot of bugs in the crypttab processing in systemd (more on that below). I eventually worked around that by adding to the zfs-import-cache.service file. For /tmp, it did NOT work to put it in /etc/fstab, because then it tried to mount it before starting cryptsetup for some reason. It probably didn t help that the system s cryptdisks.service is a symlink to /dev/null, a fact I didn t realize until after a lot of needless reboots. Anyhow, one thing I stumbled across was poor console control with systemd. On numerous occasions, I had things like two cryptsetup processes trying to read a password, plus an emergency mode console trying to do so. I had this memorable line of text at one point: (or type Control-D to continue): Please enter passphrase for disk athena-crypttank (crypt)! [ OK ] Stopped Emergency Shell. And here we venture into unsatisfying territory with systemd. One answer to this in IRC was to install plymouth, which apparently serializes console I/O. However, plymouth is an attractive boot animation in place of the text messages that normally get shown. I don t want an attractive boot animation . Nevertheless, neither systemd-sysv nor cryptsetup depends on plymouth, so by default, the prompt for a password at boot is obscured by various other text. Worse, plymouth doesn t support serial consoles, so at the moment booting a system that uses LUKS with systemd over a serial console is a matter of blind luck of typing the right password at the right time. In the end, though, the system booted and after a few more tweaks, the backlight buttons do their thing again. Whew! Update 2014-10-13: uau pointed out that Plymouth is more than a bootsplash, and can work with serial consoles, despite the description of the package. I stand corrected on that. (It is still the case, however, that packages don t depend on it where they should, and the default experience for people using cryptsetup is not very good.)

12 October 2014

John Goerzen: First impressions of systemd, and they re not good

Well, I finally bit the bullet. My laptop, which runs jessie, got dist-upgraded for the first time in a few months. My brightness keys stopped working, and it no longer would suspend to RAM when the lid was closed, and upon chasing things down from XFCE to policykit, eventually it appears that suddenly major parts of the desktop breaks without systemd in jessie. Sigh. So apt-get install systemd-sysv (and watch sysvinit-core get uninstalled) and reboot. Only, my system doesn t come back up. In fact, over several hours of trying to make it boot with systemd, it failed in numerous spectacular and hilarious (or, would be hilarious if my laptop would boot) ways. I had text obliterating the cryptsetup password prompt almost every time. Sometimes there were two processes trying to read a cryptsetup password at once. Sometimes a process was trying to read that while another one was trying to read an emergency shell password. Many times it tried to write to /var and /tmp before they were mounted, meaning they *wouldn t* mount because there was stuff there. I noticed it not doing much with ZFS, complaining of a dependency loop between zfs-mount and $local-fs. I fixed that, but it still wouldn t boot. In fact, it simply hung after writing something about wall passwords. I ve dug into systemd, finding a unit generator for fstab (whatever the hack that is, it s not at all made clear by systemd-fstab-generator(8)). In some cases, there s info in journalctl, but if I can t even get to an emergency mode prompt, the practice of hiding all stdout and stderr output is not all that pleasant. I remember thinking what s all the flaming about? systemd wasn t my first choice (I always thought if it ain t broke, don t fix it about sysvinit), but basically ignored the thousands of messages, thinking whatever happens, jessie will still boot. Now I m not so sure. Even if the thing boots out of the box, it seems like the boot process with systemd is colossally fragile. For now, at least zfs rollback can undo upgrades to 800 packages in about 2 seconds. But I can t stay at some early jessie checkpoint forever. Have we made a vast mistake that can t be undone? (If things like even *brightness keys* now require systemd )

28 September 2014

Jonathan Dowland: Puppet and filesystem mounts

Well, not long after writing my last post I've found some time to write up some of my puppet adventures, sooner than I imagined... Outside work, I sys-admin a VPS instance that is shared by a few friends. We recently embarked in a project to migrate to a different VPS instance and I took the opportunity to revisit how we managed home directories. I've got all the disk space allocated to the VM set up as LVM physical volumes. This has proven very useful for later expansion: we can do it all live. Each user on the VM may have one or more UNIX accounts that they use. Therefore, in the old scheme, for the jon user, we mounted an allocation of disk space at /home/jons, put the account home directories under it at e.g. /home/jons/jon, symlinked /home/jon -> /home/jons/jon for brevity, and set that as the home field in the passwd entry. This worked surprisingly well, but I was always uncomfortable with having a symlink in the home path (and some software was, too.) For the new machine, I decided to try bind mounts. Short story: they just work. However, the mtab (and df output) can look a little cluttered, and mount order becomes quite important. To manage the set-up, I wrote a few puppet snippets. First, a convenience definition to make the actual bind-mounts a little less verbose.
define bindmount($device)  
  mount   $name:
    device  => $device,
    ensure  => mounted,
    fstype  => 'none',
    options => 'bind',
    dump    => 0,
    pass    => 2,
    require => File[$device],
Once that was in place, we then needed to ensure that the directories to which the LV were to be mounted, and to where the user's home would be bind-mounted, actually exist; we also need to mount the underlying LV and set up the bind mount. The dependency chain is actually a graph, but with the majority of dependencies quite linear:
define bindmounthome()  
  file   ["/home/$ name s", "/home/$ name "]:
    ensure  => directory,
    -> # depended upon by
  mount   "/home/$ name s":
    device  => "LABEL=$ name ",
    ensure  => mounted,
    fstype  => 'ext4',
    options => 'defaults',
    dump    => 0,
    pass    => 2,
    -> # depended upon by
  bindmount   "/home/$ name ":
    device  => "/home/$ name s/$ name ",
  file   "/home/$ name s/$ name ":
    ensure  => directory,
    owner   => $name,
    group   => $name,
    mode    => 0701, # 0701/drwx-----x
    require => [User[$name], Group[$name], Mount["/home/$ name s"]],
That covers the underlying mounts and the "primary" accounts. However, the point of this exercise was to support the secondary accounts for each user. There's a bit of repetition here, and with some refactoring both this and the preceding bindmounthome definition could be a bit shorter, but I'm not sure whether that would be at the expense of legibility:
define seconduser($parent)  
  file   "/home/$ name ":
    ensure => directory,
    -> # depended upon by
  bindmount   "/home/$ name ":
    device => "/home/$ parent s/$ name ",
  file   "/home/$ parent s/$ name ":
    ensure  => directory,
    owner   => $name,
    group   => $name,
    mode    => 0701, # 0701/drwx-----x
    require => [User[$name], Group[$name], Mount["/home/$ parent s"]],
I had to re-read the above a couple of times just now to convince myself that I hadn't missed the dependencies between the mount invocations towards the bottom, but they're there: so, puppet will always run the mount for /home/jons before /home/jons/jon. Since puppet is writing to the fstab, this means that the ordering is correct and a sequential start-up will work. If you want anything cleverer than serialised, one-at-a-time mounting at boot, I think one would have to use something other than trusty-old fstab for the job. I'm planning to look at Systemd's mount unit type, but there's no rush as this particular host is still running sysvinit for the time being.

4 September 2014

Steve Kemp: systemd, a brave new world

After spending a while fighting with upstart, at work, I decided that systemd couldn't be any worse and yesterday morning upgraded one of my servers to run it. I have two classes of servers: I thought it would be a fair test to upgrade one of each systems, to see how it worked. The Debian wiki has instructions for installing Systemd, and both systems came up just fine. Although I realize I should replace my current runit jobs with systemd units I didn't want to do that. So I wrote a systemd .service file to launch runit against /etc/service, as expected, and that was fine. Docker was a special case. I wrote a docker.service + docker.socket file to launch the deamon, but when I wrote a graphite.service file to start a docker instance it kept on restarting, or failing to stop. In short I couldn't use systemd to manage running a docker guest, but that was probably user-error. For the moment the docker-host has a shell script in root's home directory to launch the guest:
# Run Graphite in a detached state.
/usr/bin/docker run -d -t -i -p 8080:80 -p 2003:2003 skxskx/graphite
Without getting into politics (ha), systemd installation seemed simple, resulted in a faster boot, and didn't cause me horrific problems. Yet. ObRandom: Not sure how systemd is controlling prosody, for example. If I run the status command I can see it is using the legacy system:
root@chat ~ # systemctl status prosody.service 
prosody.service - LSB: Prosody XMPP Server
      Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/prosody)
      Active: active (running) since Wed, 03 Sep 2014 07:59:44 +0100; 18h ago
      CGroup: name=systemd:/system/prosody.service
            942 lua5.1 /usr/bin/prosody
I've installed systemd and systemd-sysv, so I thought /etc/init.d was obsolete. I guess it is making pretend-services for things it doesn't know about (because obviously not all packages contain /lib/systemd/system entries), but I'm unsure how that works.

17 August 2014

Jamie McClelland: Getting to know systemd

Update 2014-08-20: apcid needs tweaking. See update section below. Somehow both my regular work laptop and home entertainment computers (both running Debian Jessie) were switched to systemd without me noticing. Judging from by dpkg.log it may have happened quite a while ago. I'm pretty sure that's a compliment to the backwards compatibility efforts made by the systemd developers and a criticism of me (I should be paying closer attention to what's happening on my own machines!). In any event, I've started trying to pay more attention now - particularly learning how to take advantage of this new software. I'll try to keep this blog updated as I learn. For now, I have made a few changes and discoveries. First - I have a convenient bash wrapper I use that both starts my OpenVPN client to a samba server and then mounts the drive. I only connect when I need to and rarely do I properly disconnect (the OpenVPN connection does not start automatically). So, I've written the script to carefully check if my openvpn connection is present and either restart or start depending on the results. I had something like this:
if ps -eFH   egrep [o]penvpn; then
  sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn restart
  sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn start
One of the advertised advantages of systemd is the ability to more accurately detect if a service is running. So, first I changed this to:
if systemctl -q is-active openvpn.service; then
  sudo systemctl restart openvpn.service
  sudo systemctl start openvpn.service
However, after reviewing the man page I realized I can shorten if further to simply:
  sudo systemctl restart openvpn.service
According to the man page, restart means:
Restart one or more units specified on the command line. If the units are not
running yet, they will be started.
After discovering this meaning for "restart" in systemd, I tested and realized that "restart" works the same way for openvpn using the old sysv style init system. Oh well. At least there's a man page and a stronger guarantee that it will work with all services, not just the ones that happen to respect that convention in their init.d scripts. The next step was to disable openvpn on start up. I confess, I never bothered to really learn update-rc.d. Everytime I read the manpage I ended up throwing up my hands and renaming symlinks by hand. In the case of openvpn I had previously edited /etc/default/openvpn to indicate that "none" of the virtual private networks should be started. Now, I've returned that file to the default configuration and instead I ran:
systemctl disable openvpn.service
UPDATES 2014-08-20: I've recently noticed strange behavior when I wake my laptop. Seems to sometimes go right back to sleep. After doing some digging I traced the problem to some customizations I have made to my laptop's acpid behavior combined with systemd taking over some apci events. Up to now, I have created my own /etc/acpi files so I have full control over the acpi events. In particular, I don't want my laptop to suspend when I close the lid. I only want it to suspend when I press the suspend key. And, when it does suspend, I want it to run my own personal suspend script so I can do things like lock the screen and restart tint2. I've found that systemd launches it's own acpi event monitoring that ignores my /etc/acpid rules (the systemd "unit" that monitors events is called acpid.socket which exists in addition to acpid.service). The systemd reaction to events is controlled by the systemd-logind.service which has a configuration file: /etc/systemd/logind.conf. By default, systemd-logind.service will put my laptop to sleep when the lid is closed and when the suspend button is pushed. systemd seems to get the signal first, putting the laptop to sleep. After I wake it up, acpid gets the signal - so it goes right back to sleep. Reading man logind.conf helps. I was able to restore my desired behavior by adding these lines to /etc/systemd/logind.conf:
Then: sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind.service.

